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Enterprise IAM (EIAM)
As a company grows and expands, so do the demand on data governance and the number of stakeholders in this area: the CISO, who identifies security risks; the CSO who grants physical access; the COO, who must increase productivity; the CFO, who tries to cut costs. And let's not forget the auditor, who wants to know who had access to the sensitive data six months ago. All of these requirements can be met with a modern IAM solution that is geared towards the company's security level.
In a big organization, it is not unusual for a new joiner to wait many days before having all the required access rights to all assets and new digital values. That impacts the employee itself but also the support teams who work in the background. With EIAM, everything is set up automatically from the very first working day onward.
Who never asked: «May I please have the same access rights as John?» But what if John has been in the company for 10 years and has more rights than necessary? With EIAM, processes ensure that everyone has the required permissions at the appropriate time.
An EIAM system keeps track of all changes made to employees, roles and permissions. The various reporting and analysis functions bring visibility and transparency to the entire organization. Important risks such as SOD and misuse are also covered in depth and the right processes will be initiated if deviations are detected.