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Cloud Transformation
Businesses race to get their services to market before the competition. Traditional IT residing in on-premises datacenters cannot cope with this demand. Cloud reduces the capital expenditure (CapEx) companies needed to invest upfront and allows them to transition to financing their infrastructure based on their actual use (OpEx). Focus on quickly taking your prototypes out there, then grow your infrastructure dynamically as your solution requires.
Instead of waiting months or years for traditional IT to purchase, deploy, and configure your infrastructure, adopt managed services from cloud service providers and focus on what really matters to your customers: your digital solution.
Traditional IT follows demand with a delay. On-premises infrastructure can only be cost-effective if demand for your services tends to be stable. With the cloud, you not only have the option to scale horizontally (more instances) and vertically (more performance), but also to scale back after increased campaign demand or change in user behavior.
As demand for your systems grows, keeping up the same service level can be a challenge. Instead of tying up your teams and funds trying to increase reliability of your solutions, level up your architecture by integrating ready-to-use cloud resources and services.