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Secure Chat Mobile App
The app provides a secure point-to-point connection without compromising on the usability compared with an ordinary chat tool.
The missing piece between classical personal contact and digital access to bank services brings back a more personal element. The secure chat tool allows for an asynchronous communication between customer and relationship manager or advisory pool, ranging from chat to offering and execution. All generated and exchanged data is archived meeting legal and compliance requirements.
Become part of the customers’ world by allowing them to interact with their bank in an uncomplicated way whenever they feel like it.
The solution backend can be provided with compliance-proved messages or with often used standard texts for offering and execution. In addition, the application offers a simple overview and customer selection.
The application delivers the same usability as any known chat app, just directly between bank and customer over a secure point-to-point connection. The exchanged content is securely stored and retrievable.
With more and more digital channels emerging, it is key for financial institutions to stay in control of communication. There are simple and safe solutions that not only enable advisors to keep an overview, but also improve customer experience.