The goal: A new RM Cockpit that serves as a powerful tool for customer advisors and supports the hybrid advisory process.
The process: In close cooperation with VP Bank’s business team, the Adnovum team developed the technical design of the RM Cockpit and then implemented the portal based on agile principles and a DevOps approach. For the collaboration with VP Bank and other involved parties, Adnovum built a virtual workplace. Sharing a common platform allowed for a seamless and direct collaboration between business, IT, operations and management, ensuring the transparency of the project’s progress for everyone at all times.
The result: The modern, intuitive user interface of the RM Cockpit allows the advisors in the different affiliates of VP Bank to gain a holistic view of their customers. In addition, they can manage pending items, prepare conversations, enter contacts, etc. in the Cockpit. The minimal response time for interactions ensures the best possible user experience, and the sophisticated architecture allows for the smooth processing of large amounts of data (especially financial transactions). Integration with the core systems also ensures data consistency.